I am currenlty a postgraduate student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).
I have joined SJTU-ThinkLab
and supervised by Prof. Yan.
I am currently working on Deepfakes Detection and Face Image Generation.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) (Sep.2016 – Jun.2020)
- Bachelor in Software Engineering(SE)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) (Sep.2020 – Present)
- Master in Computer Science(CS)
CVPR2021 Generalizing Face Forgery Detection with High-frequency Features [paper]
Yuchen Luo, Yong Zhang, Junchi Yan, Wei Liu
- Leverage both the color textures and the high-frequency noises to propose a new face forgery
detector with better generalization ability.
Google, Shanghai, China (Jul.2019 – Sep.2019)
Software Engineering Intern, Amarna Team, Media Data Solutions Group
- Extract structured features from crawled URLs.
- Embrace AI technique to design a lightweight classifier to detect ephemeral URLs
- Integrate learned model into existing service to reduce resource cost and redundant query
Tencent AI Lab, Shenzhen, China (Oct.2019 – Jun.2020)
Research Intern, Computer Vision Center
- GAN based human face synthesis and face swaping.
- Improve the generalization ability of face forgery detection methods.
Tencent Youtu Lab, Shanghai, China (Jul.2021 – Dec.2021)
Research Intern
- Utilize the StyleGAN2 model for high fidelity disentangled face image generation.
- Disentangle the face identity and attributes for identity swapping and identity
anonymization .
Image-Based 3D Textured body Reasoning [github]
Advisor: Cewu Lu, Machine Vision and Intelligence Group, SJTU
- Generate 3D human body with full texture and median-level details based on single photo
- Conduct model rendering of RGB/Depth/Normal images.
- Apply mean-value coordinate transformation in naked model to recover geometry details such
as clothed wrinkles
and hairs.
Model Retrieval Based On VR Stick Figures [github]
- Developed a model retrieval system based on stick figure input from VR environment.
- Use Fourier descriptors for model features extraction and matching.
Detailed Video Avatar
- Optimize 3D model details according to paper "Detailed human avatars from monocular video".
- Taking advantage of OpenPose facial keypoints detection.
- Use visual hull as guidance for geometry deformation.
Digit Classification and Model Analysis
- Investigate different techniques to solve the digit classification task.
- Implemented four different classification models, including Logistic Regression,
Kernel-based Logistic Regression, Convolutional Neural Network, and Gaussian Mixture Models.
Deep Learning and Feature Visualization
- Utilize Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) for face image generation.
- Investigate the effect to the generation ability of VAE w.r.t the learning rate, the weight
of KL Divergence loss, the normalization function, and the latent dimension.
Search Engine for Wikipedia
- Build a search engine for Wikipedia with existing dumps.
- Extract millions of pages and terms from the dumped data and constructed indexes.
- Implement basic search and tolerant search (including spelling correction and wild-card
- Utilize concurrent programming and champion list to speed up the search procedure。
css files come from shumochu. Thank you~